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Road opening anointing oil is a type of essential oil blend that is designed to help remove obstacles and clear the path for new opportunities in life. The oil is often used in spiritual or magical rituals to enhance the clearing and opening of paths, both physical and metaphorical.

Here are some common ingredients that can be used in road opening anointing oil:

  • Bergamot: This essential oil is believed to have energizing and uplifting properties that can help to promote positive change and open new paths in life.

  • Patchouli: This essential oil is often used in spiritual practices to promote grounding and attract good luck and prosperity.

  • Lemongrass: This essential oil is believed to have cleansing and purifying properties that can help to remove obstacles and clear the path for new opportunities.

  • Frankincense: This essential oil is often used in spiritual practices to enhance spiritual awareness and attract blessings and abundance.

To use road opening anointing oil, you may want to set an intention for the clearing and opening of your path towards your goals. You can anoint your body with the oil by applying it to your wrists, temples, or other pulse points. You may also want to diffuse the oil in a room or space to help clear away obstacles and promote a sense of positive energy and new possibilities. It's important to choose high-quality essential oils and dilute them properly with a carrier oil before applying to the skin to avoid any adverse reactions.

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