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Beautiful high quality Lapis, Sodalite & Lolite Root Chakra Stretch Crystal Beaded Gemstone Healing Bracelet. We offer 6mm size beads, and each length is 7.5". Stretch Bracelet with no clasp.
The throat chakra, also known as the fifth chakra or Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is an energy center located at the base of the throat. It is associated with communication, self-expression, and the ability to express one's truth. The throat chakra governs our ability to communicate effectively, listen attentively, and express ourselves authentically.Here are some key aspects and characteristics of the throat chakra:

Location: The throat chakra is situated at the base of the throat, in the region of the neck and thyroid gland.Color: The throat chakra is associated with the color blue, representing clarity, communication, and self-expression.


Communication and Expression: The throat chakra is responsible for our ability to communicate our thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and effectively. It governs both verbal and non-verbal communication and includes speaking, listening, writing, and artistic expression.


Authenticity and Self-Expression: The throat chakra is closely connected to our authenticity and the ability to express our true selves. When the throat chakra is balanced, we can express our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions honestly and confidently without fear of judgment.


Active Listening and Empathy: The throat chakra also involves active listening, empathy, and the ability to truly hear and understand others. It is about creating an open space for others to express themselves and being receptive to different perspectives.


Healing and Balancing: Practices such as mindful communication, journaling, singing, chanting, and working with crystals or essential oils associated with the throat chakra can help balance and heal this energy center.

A bracelet combining Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, and Sodalite can offer a powerful combination of energies and properties. Here's an overview of the properties associated with each stone:

Lapis Lazuli:

Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue stone with golden flecks known for its connection to wisdom, truth, and spiritual insight. It is associated with the third eye chakra and can enhance intuition, clarity, and spiritual awareness. Lapis Lazuli is believed to promote inner peace, self-expression, and self-discovery.


Iolite (Lolite): Iolite, also known as Lolite, is a bluish-violet stone associated with the third eye chakra and inner vision. It is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth. Iolite can assist in accessing higher states of consciousness, deepening meditation, and gaining insights into one's true self.


Sodalite: Sodalite is a dark blue stone with white streaks known for its association with the throat chakra and communication. It is believed to enhance self-expression, clear communication, and personal truth. Sodalite can promote mental clarity, objectivity, and rational thinking while balancing emotions and fostering a sense of inner peace.


By combining Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, and Sodalite in a bracelet, you can benefit from a harmonious blend of energies. This combination can support spiritual insight, intuition, clear communication, self-expression, and self-discovery. It may also facilitate inner peace, enhance meditation practices, and assist in aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions.


When using crystal combinations, it's important to cleanse and charge the stones regularly to maintain their energetic properties. Trust your intuition when choosing and wearing crystal jewelry, and enjoy the unique blend of energies these stones can offer.

Throat Chakra Beaded Bracelet

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